Lyman Stainless Steel Case Cleaning Media .041"x.265" Per 5 Pound Box

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Stainless Steel Media now available .041" diameter to clean even the smaller calibers. This includes 223 Remington cases. Shooters have discovered that there are other ways to clean your cases than with walnut or corn cob media. Five pounds of Stainless Steel Media along with our cleaning compound (item # CMCOMP), will clean even the dirtiest cases that have been fired with black powder with out any scrubbing. These are straight pins that are shaped and sized so as not to stick in your primer pockets. These will clean not only your primer pocket but also the flash hole. No other media does this. In fact after three to four hours your cases will shine like you haven't seen since they were new! This media will last for years and years of heavy use.  SHOULD BE USED IN OUR THUMLERS LINE OF NON-VIBRATING TUMBLERS. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN OTHER TUMBLERS MAY CAUSE FAILURE!

Using our tumbler item #TT140, TT140HS or TT140EX, place 3 pounds of stainless steel media in the tumbler barrel and pour water in until its 2”-3” above the level of the media. Put 1 tablespoon of compound in, or if the cases are extremely dirty, put in 2-3 tablespoons. You may then put up to 8 pounds of de-primed cases for polishing and cleaning. Run the tumbler for 3-6 hours. There is no need to prewash your cases but we do recommend that you de-cap them first. After draining the compound rinse off your cases with water and dry.

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Lyman Stainless Steel Case Cleaning Media .041"x.265" Per 5 Pound Box
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