1858 Rem Kirst Cylinder Only for Uberti Revolvers .45 Colt or .45 Schofield
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This is the cylinder only for the 1858 Remington pistol manufactured by Uberti. The five shot cylinder will allow you to shoot cowboy ammunition in 45 Colt or 45 Schofield. Now you can carry an extra one for fast reloads. Drops in and converts your cap and ball into a cartridge revolver. Some minor fitting may be required, no F.F.L. required, S.A.S.S. legal and lifetime manufacturer warranty. All Kirst Cartridge Konverters are precision CNC machined in the USA from 4140 steel and heat-greated. The cylinders are rated "For Black Powder or equivalent loads only" which includes the current Cowboy Loads on the market today. This is ONLY the cylinder--if you don't already have a complete converter with the backing
Please see our selection of cowboy ammunition.
1858 Rem Kirst Cylinder Only for Uberti Revolvers .45 Colt or .45 Schofield |
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